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January 09, 2009


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The analogy I've heard about Twitter is that it's like attending a giant cocktail party and hearing snippets of conversation, and then deciding which ones you'd like to engage in. Thus, one school of thought would be to listen to, or "follow" as many as possible, but there are those people who spam nonsense or ads or links and there are those who are the "drive-by" crowd. They'll set up an account, not get instant gratification and leave.

As Paul says, not having an avatar (the little icon, Twitter's default is brown), is a good starting place. Using Twellow is good, as is following those people who have the Titter logo in their own blog or website. I also look to see who the people I'm most interested in are following.

Don't expect immediate results. Like anything worthwhile, getting into the network, building your following list and establishing a presence, takes time. Be sure to be yourself. Don't just talk "shop" or send your own information, take an interest in other people.

Here is a list of 101 Twitter Resources(http://traffikd.com/resources/101-twitter-resources/). I find that using Tweetdeck(http://www.tweetdeck.com/beta/) is a really tool because it nicely sets out your different message categories and helps (in my opinion) make Twitter far friendlier to use.

A final word of caution - be careful following links in DMs (direct messages) that take you to Twitter login screens). There have been several hacked accounts over the past few days including some celebrity accounts. If you got the DM, you're logged in, you shouldn't have to log in again.

Dave (twitter.com/dsegrove)

Paul Chaney

Great advice, Dave. Thank you. One thing I left off in terms of "don'ts" is, if they don't have a link in their bio, say to their blog, website, LinkedIn profile or extended Twitter profile page, you might want to weigh them in the balance. Bio info, albeit short, on Twitter factors in for me.


Paul...great post and some very basic and worthwile suggestions about do's and don't...thanks for pulling that together. Another core opporutnity for following people you k now and are interested in is the benefit of the exchange of information and learning that people attach to their tweets. This has been the most revealling and valued learning for me. Twitter becomes such a resource through the generosity of people exchanging idieas and insights. Cheers !


Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.

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